The Borderview World website, BorderVIEW World magazine and the free to access BorderVIEW SPOTlight yearbook offer attractive advertising opportunities for Border Collie breeders, owners and pet product companies. Please find below the details:
Website Stud dog, puppy/litter list and breeder website link:
These advertising options are ONLY available to Borderview World subscribers. Breeder website links are free and the rates for advertising stud dogs & puppies for sale are just £5.00. To advertise simply email our advertising department at
Commercial organisations wishing to advertise within this website
For advertising on this website contact for further details.
Advertising within the BorderVIEW World & BorderVIEW SPOTlight Magazines
Multiple advertising options are available for subscribers, non-subscribers and commercial organisations. Simple advert layout will be provided for advertisers who prefer to just supply image and wordage.
Please download the below rate cards for charges and layout specifications.